We would like to share this wonderful, comprehensive article by @Orionswisdom.  The link for this article is posted at the bottom.

“The harmony of the world is made manifest in form and number, and the heart and soul and all the poetry of natural philosophy are embodied in the concept of mathematical beauty.”
-Sir D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson

fol pic for article

Why should you care? That’s a good question. Sacred geometry is a subject that isn’t very well known in mainstream society. Why? I’m not sure that the world is ready for that answer. Sacred geometry can explain everything. I’m talking about creation. Not just the creation of people, but the creation of all life everywhere. The creation of the galaxy. The creation of the entire universe.

Geometry isn’t just math. It’s where the math that you learned in school actually comes from. The origins of all math somehow has a relationship to geometry.

Phi and Fibonacci      

Phi and Fibonacci are two of the most basic concepts of sacred geometry. They are very similar, but not the same. Many of you may have learned about Fibonacci in school. Or at least the Fibonacci sequence. This is a sequence of numbers, in which the first number, when added to the second number, equals the third number (1,1,2,3,5,8 etc). This sequence manifests itself all throughout nature.

Phi, also known as the golden mean, is the number 1.61803399… It goes on forever. This number is very special, here’s why: In any mathematical pattern, you need at least 3 numbers to figure out the pattern. Look at the binary pattern for example. It starts like this : 1, 2, 4, 8, 16… each number is just the previous number doubled. In the mathematical pattern using phi, you only need 2 numbers. This isn’t easily explained with words…


In the picture above, the phi ratio can be marked on the line in 2 places: A and B. Right below, the example shows that with an x placed on a phi point of the line, C+D=E. The ratio of the lengths between C, D, and E are phi: 1.6180399 etc. Meaning D= C x 1.6.80399, and E= D x 1.6180399.

The relationship between these two sequences is very special. It’s almost as if Phi is “gods’” way of creation, and Fibonacci is nature’s way. In all animals and people on this planet, the Phi ratio is present everywhere. It’s in frogs and fish, as well as butterflies and dragonflies.

phi frogphi butterfly

It’s also present inside of you!

phi handIn nature, the ratio is a little different. It’s almost as if nature tries to create what “god” created, only it can’t. So, instead of using the phi ratio, it uses Fibonacci. When you take the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence and divide one of them by the previous, the resulting numbers will continuously strive closer and closer to Phi.

fib sequence

As you can see, the resulting numbers are never the Phi number exactly. One time it is a little bit higher than Phi, the next time a little bit lower. But as these numbers get larger and larger, the distance to Phi is reduced. In nature, you see Fibonacci everywhere.

phi nature

These may look like Phi ratios, but they aren’t. The way you can tell is by looking at the very beginning of the pattern. The center of the nautilus shell. The pattern starts out rough, and gradually smoothes out as it gets farther out.

Early civilizations knew of the importance of Phi. I suppose that’s why they named it “The Golden Ratio”. They used it in building several of their monuments and statues as well.

phi statue

I often wonder, “Why didn’t I learn about this in high school?” The ancient cultures obviously knew this very well and used it to the fullest. It is just another amazing part of nature and creation that has been suppressed by the government and the school systems to dumb down the youth of America. But wait, there’s more!

The Flower of Life

The flower of life is a basic geometric pattern that is made by overlapping circles in a specific mathematical way. This pattern of circles, believe it or not, is the pattern of creation!


I know, right? How is this the pattern of creation? Well, let me tell you… This pattern of overlapping circles holds a tremendous amount of information. Inside this pattern are several other patterns that have been used around the world in the distant past. But before we get into that, let’s start at the beginning. The beginning of your creation!

When you are first conceived inside the ovum, you start off as a single cell. Through mitotic cell division, you go from one cell, to two cells, to four etc. You continue to divide this way until eventually you begin to start to form the heart. (The amazing story of the formation of the heart is a story for another time!)

1 cell2 cells

4 cells8 cells

When you start to look closely at your early cell formation, you notice that it looks very much like the pattern of the flower of life, only in 3D. Still not convinced? It’s understandable to be skeptical at first. So was I.

Every religion has a creation story, but the best known is the story of Genesis from the Christian bible. God created the entire world in 6 days, and on the 7th day, he rested. How does this have anything to do with a silly pattern of overlapping circles? Check this out.

When drawing the flower of life, you start with a single circle (much like the way you start as a single cell). After you have your main circle is when the fun begins! The next step is to draw an identical circle exactly one radius away from the center of the original.


This first circle we draw atop the original can be seen as the “first day” of Genesis. In this new pattern, you find the vesica piscis, which is where we get the mathematical information about light (let there be light!).
Continuing in the same way, you begin to draw identical circles exactly one radius away from the center of the previous.



On the “fourth day” of creation, in many bibles, it says that half of creation was complete. As we continue, you begin to see a pattern emerge. And then on the “sixth day” of creation, you get this:


This is the Genesis pattern, also known as the “seed of life”. The pattern of creation! And look, it took us 6 days! (Now let’s take a rest…)

If you continue to add additional circles in the same way as above, you eventually get the original pattern of the flower of life. The seed of life is only one of the basic patterns that come out of the flower of life. Many of you may have heard of the “tree of life” which is a symbol used in the Hebrew Kabbalah.

tree over flower

Another shape revealed by the flower of life is known as the fruit of life.

fruit over fol

This pattern of 13 circles was also a very special pattern to several ancient civilizations, including the ancient Egyptians. If you connect the center of these 13 circles, it makes a 3D cube.

It would be a shame for us to claim this as the “pattern of creation” based only on the biblical story of Genesis, mitotic cell division, and other ancient religious symbols, right? Now it’s time to jump back into the geometric pool again.

Metatron’s Cube and the Platonic Solids

If you ever took a geometry class in school, you surely heard of Plato. He revolutionized the world of geometry with his introduction of the 5 platonic solids.

plutonic solids

These 5 shapes have very special characteristics: Each side is the same length, each face the same size, each interior angle is the same measurement, and when placed in a sphere as in the example above, each corner will intersect with the sphere perfectly. You may be thinking, “Ok, so what do these 5 shapes have to do with the flower of life?”

The answer isn’t exactly easy when you look at the original pattern of 23 overlapping circles. You have to take it one step further. First, you must extract the fruit of life pattern, and draw lines connecting the centers of each circle to each other. In doing so, you get this:


This pattern is known as Metatron’s Cube. And somewhere in this mess of lines are each of the 5 platonic solids. (Trust me, I’ve looked!)

Through studying the work of Plato, we have learned in modern times that he was really on to something when he discovered these 5 special shapes. On the periodic table, every element has a direct connection to one of these shapes. This is most easily seen when the element is in a crystalline state. An easy example of this is to look at water in the form of a snowflake.


In Conclusion

This is just the tip of the iceberg (no pun intended!) when it comes to sacred geometry. There is so much more information in the flower of life alone that I don’t have the time to go into right now. But there’s also sacred geometry and ratios many other places. From the dimensions of the great pyramid, to the distances between celestial bodies- such as the sun and moon, and the moon and Earth.

I didn’t even mention crystals (which are amazing structures that are ALIVE and GROW without the use of reproductive organs or photosynthesis) which also have internal structures that are almost identical to the fruit of life, (much like the snowflakes above), or the ancient Babylonian teaching of circling the square, or squaring the circle. There is so much more to this thing called Sacred Geometry than meets the eye. There’s a reason they don’t teach you this stuff in school, and that very reason is why you should investigate it further.

If you want to learn more, I would recommend reading The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, by Drunvalo Melchezidek. (This book was the source of all the pictures used in this article. They are in no way my original examples). It comes complete with stories of our ancient past, and something else that I didn’t have time to get into called the MerKaBa, which is a 3 dimensional star tetrahedron that surrounds the human body known as a “light body”.

Wow. What an amazing subject! I hope you become as curious as I was and begin to explore for your own!

In la Kekech ala Kin
A Mayan greeting
“you are another me, and I am another you”

Art Journey Newsletter with Free Art Lessons, Artsy Giveaways & Great Interviews!

The Visionary ART Workshop


Access The ART JOURNEY NEWSLETTER Xmas 2014 here!
For Free Art Lesson, Artsy Giveaways, Great Interviews!


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Scan this QR code with your QR app from your mobile phone.

Art journey newsletter Dec 2014
QR code for Art Journey Newsletter 2014

Secrets For a Happy Family

Occasionally, we come across teachings of wisdom, too precious not to share.  Here, we share the words of Sadhguru, an enlightened teacher, a mystic and a visionary on what “family” means.

Create a beautiful wall centerpiece with photos of family members on a tree.
Create a beautiful wall centerpiece with photos of family members on a tree.

“A family does not mean dependence; it is a certain partnership that you formed. Partnerships are relevant only when both the people are willing and they are going in a certain direction together. If both the partners are constantly concerned about each other’s well-being, then partnership is meaningful. If it is all about you, either in terms of family or in terms of profession or in terms of spirituality—whichever way—then partnership is irrelevant for such a person. If you stay together you will create a big mess for both the people. You do not stay in a family because of duty; you stay in a family because there is a bond of love that you have formed. If there is a bond of love nobody needs to tell you what to do and what not to do: you will do what is needed.

Just because you formed a bond of love with somebody or a group of people does not mean you should not aspire for big things in your life.

The best thing that you can do to people around you is to make yourself in the greatest possible way a human being can be. You must pursue that. The more you evolve, the more you contribute to people around.

If people do not understand this, they think the only way they can have you is when you are stuck on the same level as they are stuck on, with the same limitations and the same problems, and they think you should not seek freedom beyond that. If this is the case, then that is not a family; that is a mafia.

If you are running a mafia of how to extract the best from each other, that is not a family. How to give the best to each other—that is a family. If that is not there, there is no family, so there is no question of breaking it.


Every human being should naturally aspire for the highest possible potential that he can reach in his life because that is the greatest contribution he can make to life around him. If you keep yourself limited, that is not a contribution, not just for your life, for everybody. If you are in a certain state of well-being, wisdom, and blissfulness, if you are in the highest possible way that you could be, that is the best thing you can do to all the people around you. That will not happen without striving and without some sacrifice;

….and sacrifice is not a sacrifice. Only when you have no love for each other, it is a sacrifice. If there is love for each other, to forgo something for another person’s well-being is a privilege.”


Creative Journeys with Brain State Trainer Marc Cofer

The Visionary ART Workshop interviews

Bridging technology with spirituality, Marc Cofer discovered a tool that amongst other things, can help you to learn more about yourself and also guide you into the space of being in the creative energy every single moment.
Marc has supported many people from all parts of the world to bring the brain to a more balanced and healthy state. Here, he shares his personal journey and experiences with brain training, on Creativity and how brain training can help us as well as children!

Q: What circumstances drew you to brain training?

Marc: I saw a demonstration of brain training with a co-worker in Silicon Valley before I left the USA on a 1 year sabbatical to travel Asia. My co-worker had travelled around India and was a practiced meditator. He volunteered to be the subject in the brain training demonstration before a large audience of people. I was completely impressed that he could be so profoundly relaxed in the presence of more than 100 people. Even the person giving the presentation was impressed with his control over thinking. 

I never did return to the USA but did start practicing yoga and meditation while travelling and living in Nepal and Thailand.  After a couple of years, an American friend showed up at my door with a completely portable, wireless brain training unit. I was hooked after the first couple of sessions. 

I acquired my own unit and software and went to a remote beach location. I spent a full month experimenting with my own brain and different states of mind, consciousness and knowing.

One special brain state I found was a place of meditation that I knew from an experience in my childhood. I was sitting in our family’s Catholic church all alone. During that time I communed with God by praying through my heart without using words. I could never speak of this experience to my family or anyone in the church. Only, later I found this same place with the help of my brain training unit.

Q: How has brain training helped you in your life?

Marc: I am an analytical and critical thinking by nature. My father was anxious to teach his only son sports, but he ended up with a techie scientist. In my youth I tried to control my environment by exploring anything about everything and being the best at academics in any class. I was able to create, run and build two businesses in my 20’s. By the time I hit 30, I was consulting for some of America’s largest corporations and managing projects with 100’s of people.

“With great material abundance and recognition at the top of my field, I still felt I was missing something; something on the inside.”

My brain training unit gives me the ability to hit the peaceful places I have only found previously by immersing myself in nature for a week or by doing yoga for 3 hours. With the help of brain state training I can now enter these places in a minutes.

Q: How does brain training actually work?

Marc: Brain training uses technology to help you help yourself. Your mind wants to be peaceful, in balanced and harmonized. Brain training gives you access to deep parts of yourself that you’ll remember from your childhood. It allows your brain to increase it’s plasticity and be flexible. The first step is to use brain training to drop your repetition thoughts, your non-stop inner-voice, your critic, your monkey-mind.

By using feedback, your mind receives 10x per second, you can drop your old patterns associated with an unregulated mind. Brain training regulates your mind and allows you to empower yourself. 

“Imaging what you would want your mind to be better at and the brain state trainer offers a solution.”


Q: Besides what it can do from what you’ve mentioned earlier, in what other ways can it add value to a person’s life? 

Marc: One think each of us must understand. We are not our thoughts. Our thoughts are stories we tell ourselves about the past or the future. When you drop your thoughts, you experience life in a single moment. Experiencing this natural state gives you access to your self; your deepest self.

“The most interesting and important thing you can know about on the planet is yourself. Brain training gives you access to your own being.

The benefits of this inner-knowing are simple and yet extreme. Thinking flexible means you can be happy in any moment. You can be unattached to the monkey in your mind.

“After you drop your repetitious thinking, you connect with a deeper part of yourself; your intuition, your inner voice and your highest self.”

Q: What does creativity mean to you?

Marc: Creativity to me is the ability to imagine the world as beautiful and wonderful as I want it to be without my mind putting labels on what its good or bad. Dropping my inner perfectionist and dancing in the energy of any moment is my own key to being creative. Whatever God is or whatever we are meant to be doing here, surely we benefit when we drop all expectations and let our experience each moment fully.

“Creativity is simply seeing everything as beautiful in each smallest detail.”

That doesn’t mean an end to pain and suffering, but gives us and appreciation for our existence. We have the ability to love and experience an infinite amount of beauty in any moment.

Image by Bruce Rolff
Image by Bruce Rolff

Q: Can BT help a person to be more creative?

Marc: Brain training gives you a special key to learn how to drop all habits and patterns; you can get out of your rut. When you drop your mechanical reaction to any person, place or situation (based on your upbringing, ideology, culture, behavior) you become free to experience creation in every moment. Our brains become out of balance trying to fight to survive in the world and avoid all forms of pain. But, we are not the worst experiences that have happened to us along the way.

There is no real reason for us to hold on to expectations that something dire will happen to us at some future time.

“We are here to live in the moment. A brain training session will give you that moment. Some call it ecstasy, God, revelation, peace or a blank void.  For everyone, it’s subjective; each person’s experience is different. But, we all have access to the energy of creation inside of ourselves.  Imagining and believing that all is possible is the first step.”

Dedicate yourself to the discovery of the beauty in the simple things around you. Then, become your own creator. Plant a garden, arrange some flowers, make some food without any recipe book. For each simple thing, you can use your energy to add creativity and beauty into the world. Why else are we here?!

Be Your Own Creator
Be Your Own Creator

Q: Besides adults, can children also experience brain training?

Children old enough to pay attention, sit still and focus are candidates for brain training. Most young kids know more about mom/dad’s new smart phone than their parents. These kids can certainly experience a brain training session.

Anyone who has a desire to experience something new can benefit from brain training, learn about themselves or engage in an activity that will give them insight into how their own brain works.

Kids often have much less fear and trepidation than adults. Adults are always worried that something being ‘wrong’ with their brain. In my practice I am not after that kind of judgement or critical analysis. I want people (no matter what age) to experience a technology that can teach them about themselves.

Q: Has any parent reported any interesting changes that they have noticed in their child after brain training?

Marc: Everyone’s experience of brain training is unique, no matter what age. Once I trained two parents on give brain state design (called a protocol). Both of their brains performed and achieved a result to the situation differently. The father was laid-back and his brain would occasionally accomplish the task and then rest. The mother was a peak performer, her brain went in with gusto and blew out all the stops and then relaxed. Finally, I put their son on the same training and my jaw dropped opened. He could master the training using both his father’s technique or his mothers. We all had a great laugh at that.

Another young man, not yet a teenager, came for brain training before an after-school math class. He said he was going for a test so I set him up on a training to sharpen his thoughts. A giant grin was on his face when he returned from class. He proudly informed his parents that he finished his exam way before anyone else, turned it in early and scored 100%.

That’s amazing!  Thank-you Marc for taking the time to share this crucial information with everyone.  This will certainly bring awareness to more people out there so that they have a tool here that they can use to help themselves live a more meaningful, creative, peaceful and joyous life!

Marc Cofer will be in Singapore from the 18th of Dec – 21st of Dec 2014.  He will be offering sessions then.  If you would love to experience brain training for yourself, click here to book!

Please note that for logistical reasons, you will need to join the group, first to be able to RSVP.

For more information:


Art Student Feature: Tête-à-Tête with Melissa Than on Art, Self Transformation & Energy

At The Visionary ART Workshop Singapore

We chat with an art student at The Visionary ART Workshop to hear their perspective on their art journey in hope that something they share will inspire you in someway.

We have a heart to heart with the beautiful and talented Melissa Than, a flight attendant by profession who started art classes 4 years ago and is still going strong!
We find out what propelled her to start art classes and get up close and personal on how making art has transformed her as a person and how she manages to attract so many admirers to her artwork.

Q:  So Melissa, what prompted you to take your very first art lesson?

Melissa: Initially it was just a need to express myself. There were times when I wanted to express myself through writing but sometimes, I feel that words just inadequate. At moments like these, I couldn’t agree more that :”a picture paints a thousand words”.
I know that when words are no longer good enough to express or communicate something, some people use music to express themselves; for me, doing art was a natural inclination.

IMG_1270 Q:  As you reflect back, do you feel that painting or creating has helped or changed you in any way?
Melissa: Yes, definitely. I feel that painting is a form of  “chicken soup for my soul”. Whenever I immerse myself in whatever art that I am doing, I experience mindfulness and being in the moment. Living in a fast-paced life with a never-ending to-do-list, it is very therapeutic to slow down and pay more attention to the little things that goes on around us.
Whenever I draw or paint, I realized that I begin to pay attention and appreciate very minute things; for example the quality of the line that I am drawing, the intensity and tones of colours and so on.


Q:  Have you discovered new things about yourself as a person through making art?
Melissa: Yes, I realized that I have a perfectionist inside me that likes to micro-scrutinize and paint minute details, despite the fact that I am a pretty easy going and relaxed person who likes a certain degree of sloppiness.

Melissa's skills close up
Melissa’s skills close up

Q:  How have your friends or family responded to the art that you have created?
Melissa: So far my family and friends are supportive and responded quite positively. I even had a couple of offers for my magnolia tree painting. This as helped to affirm my works and opened up the possibilities of me doing paintings for a living in the near future.
Q: We are enjoying the evolvement of your current painting, what are you hoping for people to feel when they see it?
Melissa: My current painting is something very meaningful for me. It has accompanied me through a lot of major events this year, from moving house to trying for promotion at work to leading almost 100 volunteers to Myanmar for the first time to getting married, it has accompanied me through it all and it represents all the emotions and thoughts that I have experienced through it all.

I hope that when people see my final painting, they will experience what I feel too… A sense of hope (that everything will always somehow turn out alright), finding respite, peace and tranquillity in the face of change, calmness and acceptance in handling challenges as they come along, accepting that change is only inevitable and having the resilience and gentle grace to deal with it.

Yes, we certainly feel the light coming through!
Yes, we certainly feel the light coming through!

Q:  You’ve had a lot of wonderful comments from others about it even during its ‘unfinished state’.  What are the qualities you feel are required for creating such a piece?
Melissa: In general, they just commented that I have lots of talent but deep down I feel that… I am just an average person who enjoys drawing. I believe that anyone can draw to a certain degree and skills can be honed with practice and time. However, all these are pointless without interest or passion; it is very important to enjoy the process. It will be evident when the creator enjoyed what he/she has created because others will naturally be drawn to it unconsciously.

Also, I believe it is important to be true to yourself and not be afraid to be different. I feel that creating is about self-expression and  adding personal touches, creating based on our own interpretation so as to better communicate the essence of the painting. A well-painted picture without self-expression is a painting without “soul”.

Whenever I draw, I mindfully transfer my feelings, thoughts, visualizations and energy into my paintings. When I painted the magnolia tree, I visualized it hanging in the living room of my future house, a home filled with lots of warmth, unconditional love and bliss. People commented that they felt happy whenever they looked at my painting even though it remains incomplete!


Q: What advice would you say to those who feel it’s too late to start learning or for those who feel they are not ‘gifted’ to draw or paint?
Melissa: Approach art with a childlike mind set – be open to learning and be less self-conscious about what people think of your creation. Art can be learnt – by honing technical skills and being more sensitive to your drawing; both of which can be acquired through time, practice and most importantly passion. Everybody starts somewhere and age is only an excuse and a number.


We will post Melissa’s artwork here once it’s ‘completed’!  So watch this space!